So, for the first time, we see at least a portion of what Long John’s infamous clothes looked like, albeit without him in them.

I waffled on including this dream page because it ostensibly doesn’t really move the story forward, but I think it’s an important snapshot of how Long John is processing everything that’s happened to him the last few hours.

What excited me most about drawing this page was that I realized I actually had a chance to draw a page like a Symbolist, in the truest sense. It looks like a dream, but everything there has a representative logic and meaning beyond it just being a collection of all the things Long John has come across since page one. Since I don’t paint, this is the closest I’ll actually come to contributing to the Symbolist cause (first mentioned in my post about Guillermo Del Toro, here, and mentioned again when introducing soon-to-be Long John contributor, Josh Tobey, who classifies himself as a Symbolist).

A clean copy of today's page. Click for a much larger version.

A clean copy of today’s page. Click for a much larger version.